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The Minecraft Mod Marketplace

OpenCubes is a web application where modders can submit their mods easily and players are able to browse them (including filtering and sorting) and download them.

Browse mods

With OpenCubes, you are able to sort mods using different criteria, such as popularity (see trending mods...), category (API, World...), update date...

Comment and vote

OpenCubes provide users the ability to vote and comments mods. You can rate a mod with 5 stars or less, and you can leave a reason or a comment.

Files and version manager

In OpenCubes, each mod has versions. To these versions are bound files, along with their targets. This allows a flexible system were programs are able to install mods easily.

OpenCubes is still in development.

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OpenCubes is an open community, so everyone can get involved without knowledge: whether it is for a typo, a fix or a new feature, we Pull Requests!

Check out the repo